Pleiadian agenda the unveiled truth

This entry was posted in awakening and tagged earth light love spirit spiritual evolution. Subaru is the japanese word for pleiades, and the company logo, an oval with six fourpoint stars, represents the pleiades star cluster. A new cosmology for the age of light as want to read. Get a glimps at the true intentions that motivate their agenda for earths humanity. They have been in conflict with the greys and other species over the alien abduction. That we are love, light, and so much more than just physical beings. A new cosmology for the age of light by barbara hand clow. Speaking primarily through satya, a pleiadian goddess, she reveals the timing of the critical leap in evolution at the end of the mayan calendar. Grey aliens signed treaty with eisenhower in 1954, after u. Pleiadian agenda time for truth revelations leaked to the world by the nsa whistle blower edward snowden have led to an indepth investigation by an iranian english language news agency who are convinced that a race of tall white space aliens are now fully in control of the united states. The bringer of the dawn the pleiadian message a wake up call for the family of light by freedomandtruth4all. Remember we hold the doorways open however only you can choose to step through and reengage, reunite within the multidimensional realms of truth. Eisenhowers secret first contact meeting on february 21, 1954, is believed to have been with the nordic aliens, also known as pleiadian aliens, an advanced extraterrestrial race from the pleiades star cluster with distinctive nordic appearance, such as fair hair, blue eyes, and white skin. As most of you are unfamiliar with who the pleiadians are.

Doorways open however only you can choose to step through and reengage, reunite within the multidimensional realms of truth. Through this infusion of light, the density on the planet is surfacing and accelerating like never before. No real alienufo truth seeker with any sense of the present, would be that gullible to believe everything published on the subject of ufos and aliens written in thousands of books, on the internet, documentaries and numerous documented personal accounts as there. A new cosmology for the age of light by clow, barbara hand, swimme ph. This pleiadian agenda is not exactly what they have communicated to us, at least not in its entirety. Inner beliefs at this juncture, your life is a mirror of your collective inner beliefs arising from either your ego mind andor higher self. This star system is a small cluster of seven stars located in the constellation of taurus the bull. Present in the video are two alien races, formally known as the pleiadians and. In the pleiadian agenda, renowned astrologer and spiritual teacher barbara hand clow describes a huge cosmic drama that is functioning simultaneously in nine dimensions, with earth as the chosen theater. The extraordinary diversity of et star souls on and around. From my perspective as a pleiadian, it is difficult to credit anu with the possibility of a loving decision due to his seeming lack of kindness or compassion for humanity. Pleiadians spiritual wisdom from the pleiadian realm. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. They likely seeded the nordics, or are the nordics in humanoid form.

A brief introduction to alien races aquarius academy. The pleiadians are here to support us on a personal level as well. Thanks for being a guardian with respect to any half truth or inappropriate emphasis. Who are the pleiadians and whats the reptilians hidden agenda. Top 10 proof of pleiadian aliens on earth proof of. New consciousness personal growth 225 million years of evolution from the pleiadians. Our agenda at this time is to teach you how to be passionately immersed in your bodies while you learn to view your 3d reality simultaneously in nine dimensions. There are several facts illustrating the existence of pleiadian aliens on earth. This book so lovingly shared with the world really helps in gaining a greater understanding of the truth. The lies youve swallowed are the warp the great net and your justifiable anger the woof. The pleiadians offer hope and advice about your time on earth in this 6 part series. Audrey, thanks for your openness, your love and your vision of light. The pleiadeans have visited earth as early as 10,000 bce along side the anunnaki. A prophet comes to earth pleiadians watch over earthand old spirit comes to earth the pleiadian mission to earth a mission to earth from the pleiadesthe pleiadians come to earth n 1685the importance of the new agethe meaning of our lives, religion, science, social development, history, and.

One of the most powerful messages the pleiadians bring is the reminder that we are human beings birthing ourselves back into our spiritual natures. The unveiled truth the book is about who the pleiadians are, why they are here, what their agenda is, and how we can expect human evolution to unfold through the year 2012. Some writings call forth these themes seriously carefully respecting the original sumerian writings some whereas some other writings display a few fantasies. Speaking primarily through satya, a pleiadian goddess, she reveals the timing of the critical leap in. The pleiadians are from a star system called pleiades. The energetic core of the earth has gone through a further metamorphosis, which is largely responsible for the increased drama on your planet. League of light denotes a community of galactic entities.

Teachings from the pleiadians is an internationally known trance channeler who speaks for a group referring to themselves as the pleiadians. Michelle walling is a certified holistic life coach, webmaster, writer, and and radio host on in5d radios the cosmic awakening show. I am here to help you decode the central intelligence of your planet, to prepare. The next question has to be to ask whether anu laid his bomb to do just thatraise the vibration of humanity. I appreciate your availability to all three and your courage. We have to wait and see how it unfolds as 2012 approaches. Invitations to the cosmic party the story of the photon band, galactic night and alchemy of nine dimensions. Satya describes the huge cosmic drama taking place simultaneously in nine dimensions, with earth as the chosen theater.

Pleiadeans in humanoid form are said to practice sex cultivation, the distinct difference between sexual expression and sensual emotion. Noted astrologer and spiritual teacher barbara hand clow channels the voice of satya, a pleiadian goddess. The video inserted below will tell you about the social scheme set for mankind by people who own the power. Aliens have been discovered living here on earth alien communities have been established here on earth, and they are thriving, according to a. Barbara hand clow channels satya of alcyone, a pleidian identified with the goddess satya is the keeper of the library on alcyone, the central star of the pleiades. Meet the pleiadians of the league of light nines path. The pleiadians were tasked to support the emergence of original humans from the surrounding field, but also through direct incarnation hence there are plenty of pleiadian. Reptilians, planet nibiru and the pleiadians sumerian mythology has given rise to numerous writings referring to the anunnaki, the reptilians, planet nibiru, and the pleiadians. Satya is the keeper of the library on alcyone, the central star of the pleiades. No one is ever a victim, although your conquerors would have you believe in your own victimhood. We were utterly blessed to have colleen thomas join the tribulationnow radio show and share what she has learned about the deception of the ashtar command and the andro pleiadian hive mind conspiracy to enslave mankind. Each of you has a part to play within this shift of consciousness that has recently been unveiled on your planet. As a truth seeker, she is committed to share her experiences with the world.

Pleiadians have kept a record of the complete history of earths human evolution from the very beginning to our present time. The pleiadian agenda a new cosmology for the age of light. According to sources the pleiadians allegedly inhabit a number of planets withing the pleaides star system including planets by the names of erra, ptaah, quetzal and semjase with erra current serving as a home planet for the pleiadians. The word also means united, apt, because the subaru corporation was formed by the merger of five companies.

The photon band and the process of transmutation the photon band, the mayan calendar and the pleiades. However, they will always honor our free will as human beings, and will never enter our energetic space without our permission. Beloved ones we greet you, the veils on your earth plane have become much more fluid since new year and there are many doorways open to you as you consciously choose to step forward and engage within your hearts. The pleiadian s are of a fifth dimensional frequency, which is one of love and creativity. Barbara hand clow channels satya of alcyone, a pleidian identified with the goddess. This article is based on the knowledge that we know very little about the universe, its beings and alternative life forms. A message from the pleiadians powerthoughts meditation club.

Pleiadian agenda time for truth video 3rd dimensional pleiadians. We pleiadians call this book the pleiadian agenda because we know you are ready for the whole story now. They claim earth to be being six billion years old. Its why the human genome consists of 223 genes that appear nowhere else on earths tree of life. Please take the time to listen to this wonderful testimony and radio show. The pleiadians are said to be a collection of alien species who hail from a small star system in the taurus constellation, pleiades. Get a glimpse at the true intentions that motivate their agenda for earths humanity. Myths and realities of anunnaki, reptilians, planet nibiru. Barbara hand clow and the pleiadians 2 her sons deaths and 2012 before writing the mayan code, hand clow suffered a major tragedy of losing two of her four children one to an accident, the other to suicide.

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